Pacific Grove Schools

Pacific Grove Unified Schools serves the communities of Pacific Grove and a portion of Pebble Beach. The district has 2 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school (with a continuing high school and adult enrichment center that aren’t covered here), and serves approximately 1582 students.  Pacific Grove Schools consistently place in the top 10 % of California Schools.

Some basic statistics for Pacific Grove Schools are: 56.5 percent of teachers have a master’s degree or higher; 4 out of 5 schools met the difficult AYP standard, 25 out of 28 criteria being met; Pacific Grove met the State’s API (academic performance index) and ranked in the 90th percentile or above other state districts, and ranked in the top 40% of similar districts. Graduation rate is 96.1 percent, exceeding the state target of 90 percent. One school is in Program Improvement. CST (standard test results) for all students in grades 2-11 shows that 77.2 percent are proficient or advanced in math, and 84.7 are proficient or advanced in English. Pacific Grove boasts a 1:18 teacher-to-student ratio, and based on the SAT, CST test, and API ranking, Pacific Grove High School ranks in the top ten percent of high schools in the state of California.

CAHSEE results California High school exit exam show 79 percent of students at proficient or advanced in English, compared with the state score of 57, and 79 percent proficient or advanced in math, compared to a 60 state score. More individual statistics for the district and its schools can be found at district website.

Pacific Grove High School also offers 22 AP courses and 3 honors courses, as well as an award winning sports program, and over 25 extracurricular clubs, sports, and activities to choose from.

To set up a time to tour a school, or to get more information on the Pacific Grove Unified School District, please call 831-646-6510 or go to the website and contact Pacific Grove Schools directly.

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