Late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning Monterey County Public Works opened the sand bar allowing the Carmel River to flow into Carmel Bay. High seas this weekend will likely block the river and reestablish the sand bar barrier requiring continued work to keep an open channel. As documented in the videos below, the channel was opened to the south directing the water to Monastery Beach.

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Monastery Beach is a secluded and breathtaking location with Point Lobos in the background. We will continue to keep you updated with the constantly changing tug of war between the sand bar and the Carmel River.

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  1. Bill Graham says:


    Great video- reminds me of when I was growing up in the late ’40s and early ’50s in Salinas- We used to fish the Carmel River for Steelhead- and they were substantial in thos days, both in numbers and size-

    The mouth used to be opened with bulldozers and by hand to open it up to the bay so the steelhead could get access to the river.

    My recollection it was the local Sport Clubs that were the instigators of the effort-

    but again great video-


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