I had the pleasure of hiking through Sobranes Canyon and the Rocky Ridge trail at Garrapata State Park during the peak of the Big Sur wildflower season this Spring.  Words don’t do it justice, so here’s a slide show of each and every different wildflower and critter I came across.  I can use some help identifying wildflowers so feel free to comment on what you see.  Enjoy!

  1. Grant,

    Killer photo’s. Especially the ones of the giant galapagos lizards. Let’s explore more of our beautiful wilderness.


  2. Margery Adams says:

    Hello Grant: It is 1:00a..m. and I have just finished the most beautiful wildflower hike I have been on in years. I have never hiked Sobranes Canyon so appreciated, also, the glimpses of the lay of the land and the rock formations. Thank you!!!!!!

  3. Grant, these are really beautiful photos, thanks for posting them for us to enjoy. I”m partial to the purple 🙂 Maybe Doug or Allen can identify some.

    Hope all is well,


  4. Elizabeth Weal says:

    , Anyone know what the white flower is, the second one in the slide show? I’d love to know!

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