In 1856, John Martin and his family ended their long voyage and docked in Monterey. It is said they disembarked to eat a wonderful lunch under a massive oak tree. Years later this historical family purchased property that stretched from the Carmel Mission west to encompass all of what is now known as Carmel Point. One of the earliest dairies in California was built on this site and many of the buildings still exist including the original homestead residence pictured above . We now know this property as Mission Ranch, owned by local Carmel citizen, Clint Eastwood.
Carmel Point was also the site of the earliest ocean front golf course in the Carmel, Pebble Beach area. Pebble Beach was built in 1919, but how many people know that a decade earlier the rocky, windswept shore at Carmel Point was home to a few lucky golfers. But it wasn’t meant to be. Pebble Beach is a world renowned shrine to golf, and the only remaining evidence of the Carmel Point Golf Course is a plaque on the wall of what was then the caddie shack for this historical setting.
For more interesting local history visit the Carmel Heritage Society.