Have You Seen the Tower Gardens?
In big cities the latest gardening innovation is a terrific hydroponic vertical gardening structure shown in the photo below. This is my garden perched on my back deck with no potting soil in sight. It’s conveniently located near my kitchen, so when I want to make a salad I can put my slippers on and take a quick step outside with my sheers, and I’m done. Depending on CC&R’s, it can be great for those with condos or apartments without yard space. They can be set up indoors with lights, or outdoors in the sun.
As long as you have light and access to a hose to connect to the unit, you are ready to start hydroponic gardening! Weekly maintenance is easy enough with the Lettuce Grow nutrients kits to make sure your water is properly nourishing your plants. You can set up a timer to automate watering, and there are many selections of veggies, herbs, lettuces, peppers and more to choose from. This has become a new hobby of mine, and I wanted to share it with you!