I have mixed feelings about tech, particularly social media. It keeps us connected in some ways, and distant in others, but one thing I love about tech is the formation of online social groups. It can be difficult to meet new people with similar interests when you move to a new area, so here are a few resources that I really like for getting acquainted with new friends. 


If you go to meetup.com you’ll find tons of groups local to the Monterey Peninsula with all kinds of interests ranging from hiking, fishing, cooking, wine, biking, socializing, and so much more. This is a wonderful way to meet new people because everyone there has intentions of doing just that and sharing their passions and interests with others. 


Another great resource is Instagram! There are social pages like MontereyBayMoms and MyLocalThrive that promote events happening in the area.

Chamber of Commerce

There are few local chambers, and their websites have schedules of events to choose from. This is a great way to network if you are a business owner and make new friends at the same time. 

Email Newsletters

There are a few of online sites that I follow based on my interests. One of them is Edible.com since I love culinary events, keeping up with restaurants, and other local happenings. 

These are just a few ways I’ve found enjoyment in meeting other locals. I hope it helps!